Killarney Camping Pics
Back from camping in Killarney. Seriously, I could have stayed another week. However, with our food reserves, we probably could...
Back from camping in Killarney. Seriously, I could have stayed another week. However, with our food reserves, we probably could...
Was digging up some pics for a project, when I came across some pictures I took in Algonquin park a...
Well, no injuries to report, save a couple of sunburned knees, and a sinus-full of river water. Whitewater rafting was...
Got this email from my Dad. He sent it from an internet cafe (of all things). He and my mom...
I’m sitting in a Starbucks on Yonge St., drinking a doppio espresso, whatever that means. I was feeling a little...
Spent the weekend in Montreal (only a 7 hour drive!) and hung out with some friends there. Got to play...
Went cycling today, and hit the Iron Horse trail on the way back home. As I was scooting down the...
Went to a reasonably cool, but subdued bush party last night in St. Catherines. A friend of R had a...
Had to go up and look at a customer’s test results yesterday. Was really good to be in T.O. again....
I was looking for a CD this morning, as I plan on reinstalling my laptop’s OS. I came across some...