Killer New Cell Phone
Had to replace the antenna on my cell phone. It was pretty expensive, and I feared it might just be...
Had to replace the antenna on my cell phone. It was pretty expensive, and I feared it might just be...
Yesterday we were talking over lunch about movies that were bad choices for dates, especially “first dates.” I remember my...
Drinking a bottle of Wychwood Brewery’s Hobgoblin Ale. It’s a very good, very heavy, dark ale. I can’t get enough...
Steve Dotto is a tool. A Micro$oft whore. His appearance in a recent Windows XP advertisement only furthers this statement....
Geez, almost forgot to give out this great link –specially if my recipe turns out like crap. Then at least...
Finally got my passport application in, now I just have to wait for it to get processed. I wanted to...
Ok, I shouldn’t be picking on the Oscars so much. True, they got the worst ratings in the history of...
Made another world-famous batch of chili tonight. There’s a poor-boy lunch at work tomorrow, and all the proceeds go to...
Thinking more about canned macaroni last night. In Jack Kerouac’s The Dharma Bums, main character Ray Smith talks about his...
Watching "Shallow Grave" tonight....
Anyone want to hang out on another planet? #amwriting
— David H. McKee (@zuckervati) July 17, 2023
As a guy who occasionally curates art shows and wrangles artists together, I often have to edit and post artist bios, profile pictures, and artwork images. This can be a problem, since many artists and writers aren’t used to selling themselves. Artists rarely know how to present their art for display in a brochure, and writers aren’t used to writing about themselves.
Writers often treat the bio like it’s an interview or something. Maybe like they’re having a conversation with you, the reader. While it may work sometimes, the most common way to write a bio is to write in the 3rd person.
I’m like those writers, and I’m talking to you directly, unlike the common way to do a bio. You should see my About page. It makes sense to me, since this is a bit which describes my blog’s website. When I get famous enough that I don’t have time to talk to you, I’ll have an intern write everything in 3rd person. Until then, you get to talk to me.
Like blogs of old, this one is a personal document of the comings and goings of me. Articles I’ve written, links I’ve posted, videos I liked, etc. Here, a first-person perspective is the way to go, at least for now. So, this is my site. I’m D. H. McKee, a sometimes artist, sometimes writer. Mostly just a guy on the internet.